papers by topic: impression formation/management

Privacy and Security | Data EthicsChildren and Families | Online Harassment | Social Capital & Social Support | Impression Formation/Impression Management


Huang, X., & Vitak, J. (2022). “Finsta gets all my bad pictures”: Instagram users’ self-presentation across Finsta and Rinsta accounts. Proceedings of the ACM: HCI, 6, CSCW1, Article 69, 25 pages. [pdf] Pearce, K. E., Donohoe, D., Barta, K., & Vitak, J. (2022). The influence of social media discussion on son preference in Azerbaijan: Reinforcing norms, bargaining with patriarchy, space for dissent. International Journal of Communication, 16, 2456-2476. [open access] Huang, X., Vitak, J., & Tausczik, Y. (2020). “You don’t have to know my past”: How WeChat Moments users manage their evolving self-presentations. Proceedings of the 2020 Annual Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Paper No. 468). New York: ACM. [pdf] Vitak, J., & Ellison, N. B. (2018). Personal relationships and technology in the digital age. In A. Vangelisti & D. Perlman (Eds.), Handbook of Personal Relationships (pp. 481-493). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. [email me for a copy] Pearce, K., Vitak, J., & Barta, K. (2018). Socially mediated visibility: Friendship and dissent in authoritarian Azerbaijan. International Journal of Communication, 12, 1310-1331. [link]

Pearce, K., & Vitak, J. (2016). Performing honor online: The affordances of social media for surveillance and impression management in an honor culture. New Media & Society, 18, 2595-2612. doi: 10.1177/1461444815600279 [pdf]

Vitak, J., Blasiola, S., Patil, S., & Litt, E. (2015). Balancing audience and privacy tensions on social network sites. International Journal of Communication, 9, 1485-1504. doi: 1932–8036/20150005 [link to open access] [pdf]

Vitak, J. (2014). Connecting in the Facebook age: Development and validation of a new measure of relationship maintenance. Paper presented at the International Communication Association 64th Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. [pdf] [presentation–including CFA not in paper] Ellison, N., Vitak, J., Gray, R., & Lampe, C. (in press). Cultivating social resources: The relationship between bridging social capital and Facebook use among adults. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication. [pdf] Vitak, J. (2014). Facebook makes the heart grow fonder: Relationship maintenance strategies among geographically dispersed and communication-restricted connections. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. New York: ACM. [pdf] Vitak, J., & Kim, J. (2014). “You can’t block people offline”: Examining how Facebook’s affordances shape users’ disclosure process. In Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing. New York: ACM. [pdf]

Carr, C., Vitak, J., & McLaughlin, C. (2013). Strength of social cues in online impression formation: Expanding the SIDE model. Communication Research, 40, 261-281. doi: 10.1177/00936502 [link]

Vitak, J. (2012). Keeping connected in the Facebook age: The relationship between Facebook use, relationship maintenance strategies, and relational outcomes. Doctoral dissertation, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI.  [pdf]

McLaughlin, C., & Vitak, J. (2012). Norm evolution and violation on Facebook. New Media & Society, 14, 299-315. doi: 10.1177/1461444811412712 [18/67 in Communication; Impact Factor: 1.091]  [link] [pdf]

Vitak, J. (2012, April). Protecting face: Managing privacy and context collapse in the Facebook age. Presentation at the 2nd annual Theorizing the Web Conference, College Park, MD. [slideshare] [video — my talk starts at 51 minutes in]

McLaughlin, C., Vitak, J., & Crouse, J. (2011). Online identity construction and expectation of future interaction. In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (CD-ROM). Computer Society Press. [pdf]

Vitak, J. (2008). Facebook “friends”: How online identity affects offline relationships. Master’s thesis, Georgetown University, Washington, DC.  [pdf]

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