
What am I doing *right now*? Here’s what’s on my plate for the 2023-2024 academic year:

  1. Surviving: As we all are. Remember to take care of yourself. Make time for friends, family, and hobbies. My main hobbies are cardmaking and baking, which I document on Instagram.
  2. Service work: Professors workloads are broken into research, teaching, and service. Currently, I’m spending about half my time on service work, including in my roles as director of the HCIL and faculty director of the UMD iSchool’s PhD program, as well as one of the General Chairs for CSCW 2025.
  3. SPE4K project: This project officially wrapped up in early 2024, and we spent the final months developing curriculum and professional development materials for elementary school teachers and students that provides age-appropriate lessons on digital privacy and security. We have one more paper in progress and will be sharing out our curriculum and other resources soon.
  4. Smart home privacy: Michael Zimmer and I are on a team that won a NSF grant in spring 2023 to keep doing research on this topic. We published two papers at SOUPS and CSCW in 2023 and have some Airbnb-focused studies under review.
  5. Transatlantic Privacy Perceptions (TAPP): This US/EU project is focused on understanding who and what is most influential in privacy policymaking. We have two papers in preparation/under review from this project.
  6. PERVADE: PERVADE wrapped in August 2023, and we’ve been focusing on sharing out results and developing our decision support tool for academics and researchers working with pervasive data. Michael Zimmer, Casey Fiesler, and I are pursuing additional funding to focus more on formal and informal data ethics curriculum.
  7. Teaching: In Spring 2024, I’m teaching one of my favorite classes, INST366 (Privacy, Security, and Ethics for Big Data). In fall 2024, I’ll be teaching research methods (interviews) and a course on ethical considerations for data science.

Note: I try to update this page semi-frequently (read: not that often) with my current projects but I inevitably fall behind. Also, I’m not covering everything here, so if you’d like to chat about any of these projects or more generally about my research, feel free to email me.